
A szövegértés, szövegértelmezés tantárgy az alapvető tanulási és szövegértési képességek fejlesztését célozza; gyakorlati jellegű.
Általános követelményei: a saját tanulási/szövegértési tevékenységre reflektálás, önszabályozás; különböző tanulási és szövegértési stratégiák és technikák megismerése és alkalmazása; a szövegtani ismeretek elsajátítása, beépítése és alkalmazása a tanulás és szövegértés folyamatában.

Cursul introduce în limba latină in general, în modului său de expunere, precum şi în mentalitatea latină prin fragmente de texte istorice, de istoria artei şi teologice. Însuşirea avansată a gramaticii limbii latine, precum şi a sensului noţiunilor de bază latine din domeniul teologiei şi istoriei îi vor permite studentului ca acesta să se familiarizeze cu terminologia creștinismului clasic.

The course is designed to develop the English language skills of theological students. The challenge is to create situations in which students consolidate their knowledge, become more fluent in speaking and improve everything that is related to comprehension. The grammar areas cover the needs of the students. At this level grammar is needed to fill the gaps in their knowledge and deepen their understanding. The other purpose is to develop fluency in speaking. This is linked to the topics, lexis and grammar so as to include opportunities for students to turn input into output.

The course is designed to develop the English language skills of theological students. The challenge is to create situations in which students consolidate their knowledge, become more fluent in speaking and improve everything that is related to comprehension. The grammar areas cover the needs of the students. At this level grammar is needed to fill the gaps in their knowledge and deepen their understanding. The other purpose is to develop fluency in speaking. This is linked to the topics, lexis and grammar so as to include opportunities for students to turn input into output.


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