Prophets, Prophecy and the Significance of the Books of the Former Prophets in the Presentation of the Development of Israelite Prophecy. The Prophets of the Eighth Century. The Prophetic Books of Amos and Hosea

The lecture commences with the definition of the nature of prophecy, which incorporates the following: the clarification of terminology pertaining to ancient Israelite prophets and prophecy, the founding fathers of Israelite prophecy, the characteristic of the prophet, the chronology of the prophets, the ways of passing down prophecy, the pre-classical and classical prophets, the message of the prophet, prediction and fulfilment. The historical setting of Israelite prophecy also receives treatment, whereby the phenomenon of prophecy in the ancient Near East is examined as regards to its Israelite counterpart. Further topics to be discussed include: prophecy and wisdom, prophets and psalms, rhetoric and speech-acts, canon and biblical theology.
The second part of the lecture presents the books of Amos and Hosea. The presentation of these two books follows the same format, as far as the outline of the isagogical matters are concerned.
The book of Amos displays the following theological themes: justice and righteousness, and the good of God’s people, justice and creation, the universal God, the election of Israel, reading Joel before Amos, the book of the Twelve as one book.
The theological themes tackled from the book of Hosea are: the exclusivity of God, faithfulness and steadfast love, God’s dilemma of judgment and love.
Further topics and questions to be discussed include: Deuteronomy and Hosea, kinds of writing in Hosea, the house of Jehu, Hosea’s marriage, the third day, Hosea on kings, idolatry, the disenchantment of the world, holiness and love, metaphors and similes, intrabiblical quotations, prophetic words in new contexts, why does God judge the nations, debt-slavery and what do names tell about the prophets.
