Nagy Eszter

Gemeinschaft der Heiligen – Versammlung der Sünder. Die Kirche
zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit: praktisch-theologische Grundlegungen

„A kötődés a bölcsőtől a sírig létfontosságú szerepet játszik az ember életében.”– vallja John Bowlby pszichológus, a kötődéselmélet atyja. A korai anya–gyerek kapcsolat és annak kihatása a gyermek lelki fejlődésére és a felnőtt létre a kötődéselmélet fényében, különös tekintettel a lelkipásztor szolgálatára című dolgozatomban hidat képezek a kötődéselmélet pszichológiai síkon megalapozott elmélete és a pásztorálteológia között.

This book is written for those aiming to help others with pastoral counseling, but often have little time to do so. From the rich repertoire of modern short-term therapeutic methods, practical suggestions are offered on how useful impulses can also be given in pastoral care in a short time. Event date: December 14, Tuesday, 7 p.m.

This book is written for those aiming to help others with pastoral counseling, but often have little time to do so. From the rich repertoire of modern short-term therapeutic methods, practical suggestions are offered on how useful impulses can also be given in pastoral care in a short time. Event date: December 14, Tuesday, 7 p.m.

Această carte este scrisă pentru toți cei care doresc să-i ajute pe alții din punct de vedere pastoral, dar care adesea au puțin timp la dispoziție pentru acest lucru. Din bogatul repertoriu al metodelor terapeutice moderne de scurtă durată, sunt oferite sugestii practice despre cum pot fi date impulsuri utile și în îngrijirea pastorală într-un timp scurt. Data evenimentului: 14 decembrie, marți, ora 19.00.


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