Earlier events

2017 June

Jun 26 . 09:00

MA admission exam 2017

Jun 19 . 09:00 to Jun 20 . 14:00

MA final exam 2017

2017 May

May 22 . 09:00 to Jun 22 . 14:00

Examination session

May 19 . 14:00

MA research project submission term

May 19 . 10:00

Kiss Jenő · , Somfalvi Edit · Inauguration of the László Ravasz Research Institute for Practical Theology

May 05 . 12:00

BA and MA thesis submission term

May 04 . 09:00

Kolumbán Vilmos · The heritage of the Reformation. 2nd Conference in Church History

2017 April

Apr 07 . 14:00 to Apr 23 . 23:00

Eastern holiday and vacation

2017 March

Mar 28 . 19:00

Geréb Zsolt · , Balogh Csaba · I've read a good book. Discussions on current issues in theology

Mar 18 . 18:00

Brian Johnston · The Institute's male choir meeting in Barót

2017 February

Feb 28 . 19:00

Balogh Csaba · , Kurta József · I've read a good book... Discussions about current theology. A series of events

Feb 28 . 19:00

Koppándi Botond · , Balogh Csaba · I've read a good book. Discussions about current theology. Focus: Homiletics

Feb 06 . 20:45

Beginning of the spring semester

2017 January

Jan 04 . 09:00 to Jan 28 . 15:00

Examination session

2016 November

Nov 17 . 15:00 to Nov 18 . 17:00

Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem · , Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézet · Hidden values in the treasury of the Hungarian reformation

2016 October

Oct 26 . 08:30

Between heaven and earth: stones, photons, cells and hopes

Oct 25 . 12:15

Add knowledge to your faith. The 2nd conference on talent development

2016 September

Sep 22 . 09:00 to Sep 23 . 18:00

Application for the new academic year 2016-2017

Sep 14 . 09:00 to Sep 17 . 18:00

Autumn examination session

Sep 13 . 09:00 to Sep 15 . 14:00

Admission exams for BA in theology for the academic year 2016-2017

Sep 05 . 12:00

Second term for submitting BA/MA thesises

2016 July

Jul 19 . 09:00 to Jul 21 . 18:00

Admission examination session 2016

2016 June

Jun 27 . 09:00

MA application exam term

Jun 26 . 18:00

Ceremony closing the academic year

Jun 26 . 11:15

Csűry István · 1 Korinthus 1:18-25 (Last service of the Academic Year)
