News and announcements

2020 February 01 ∙ 15:52 ∙ 4 years ago

On January 30, 2020, ARACIS, the Romanian national agency responsible for the accreditation of HE institutions, evaluated and certified the applied Protestant pastoral theology master's program organised by the Protestant Theological Institute.

2019 September 24 ∙ 16:53 ∙ 5 years ago

Dezső Kállay, the rector of the Theological Institute, opened the new academic year with a traditional theological discourse. During the opening ceremony the students admitted to the first year took their oath. The institute will start the new year with 162 students.

2019 July 17 ∙ 16:43 ∙ 5 years ago

During the summer admission examination session of 2019, the following number of students have succeeded their exams: Reformed Church Transylvanian District: 4 women and 7 men, Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék: 2 women and 4 men, Hungarian Unitarian Church: 3 women.

2019 July 02 ∙ 08:49 ∙ 5 years ago

During the church service on 30 June 2019, a group of 16 students have made a solemn oath to continue to serve as ministers of the Hungarian Reformed and Lutheran congregations.

2018 September 24 ∙ 22:05 ∙ 6 years ago

The opening ceremony of the academic year took place in the afternoon of September 23. During this event the students admitted to the first year at the Theological Institute took their traditional oath.

2018 September 24 ∙ 21:40 ∙ 6 years ago

The new academic year has begun on September 23. In the Sunday morning service, two students graduating during the autumn examination period, were taken over by the representatives of the church. The graduating students will begin their service in October in the congregations of Transylvania.

2018 July 02 ∙ 00:43 ∙ 6 years ago

On July 1, the 20 Reformed MA students graduated from Theological Institute. From September they will begin their service in the churches of Transylvania.

2018 February 15 ∙ 20:48 ∙ 6 years ago

In accordance with its mission, the Protestant Theological Institute in Cluj-Napoca aims to train theologians who, upon completing their studies, will engage in pastoral service in various congregations in Transylvania. However, the familiarity with the Transylvanian congregations of most recently enrolled students is largely limited to the ecclesiastical world from which they arrived at the Theological Institute. We discussed about this topic with Árpád Sógor, instructor and leader of the Practical congregational knowledge course.

2017 September 25 ∙ 20:35 ∙ 7 years ago

The new academic year started Sunday morning with an opening church service, being followed in the afternoon by the opening ceremony. 31 new students made their vow and committed themselves to prepare for the service of the church.

2017 July 20 ∙ 21:22 ∙ 7 years ago

15 students from the Reformed Church of Transylvania, 10 students from the Reformed Church of Királyhágómellék, and 3 students from the Hungarian Unitarian Church have successfully passed the admission exam during the 2017 session.
