Final results of the application exam (BA) for the 2015-2016. academic year

As a result of the application examinations in July and September, 24 new first year students will be enrolled for the academic year 2015-2016.

From the Reformed Church District of Transylvania 13 students (4 f / 9 m), a from the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék 7 students (3 f, 4 m), from the Hungarian Unitarian Church 4 students (4 f) have successfully passed the exam and application interview.

The following table summarises the details (EREK - Reformed Church District of Transylvania, KREK - Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék, MUE - Hungarian Unitarian Church).

Name of student Church (district) Exam average
Andrei Imelda Paula EREK 9.873
Bálint Szilárd KREK 9.593
Benczédi Zsófia MUE 7.645
Búcsi Brigitta KREK 9.318
Demeter Henrietta EREK 9.431
Demeter Lídia Hajnal KREK 10.000
György Szabolcs EREK 9.128
Illyés Hunor István EREK 9.770
Juhos Barnabás Attila KREK 8.974
László Bernadett MUE 7.624
Mátis Szidónia KREK 9.324
Nagy Róbert EREK 8.803
Okos Rebeka-Júlia EREK 9.668
Orbán Attila EREK 9.844
Szabó László EREK 8.376
Szász Ferenc EREK 9.285
Szegedi Máté Bence KREK 8.130
Szombatfalvi Etelka MUE 8.357
Várdai Dávid KREK 7.173
Veress Eszter Orsolya EREK 9.109
Vincze Zoltán EREK 7.487
Tamási Noémi MUE 8.239
Tatár László EREK 7.743
Torkos Ákos József EREK 8.303