The Catechism of Heidelberg at 450 - International Conference
The Catechism of Heidelberg at 450 - International Conference. Kolozsvár: Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézet
Thursday, 2013, November 14 - 07:00 to Saturday, 2013, November 16 - 16:00
Thursday, 2013, November 14 - 07:00 to Saturday, 2013, November 16 - 16:00

On November the 15th, 1563, the reformed synod of the principality of Pfalz adopted the 4th edition of the so-called Short Confession of Faith (later to be known as the Heidelbergian Catechism). This version of the Catechism served as the textus receptus of the liturgy of Pfalz. To use a biblical comparison: the Catechism was born in January and was presented in the church in November. The 450th anniversary of this occasion is celebrated in our Institute in the context of an international conference.