Septuagint: Language, Text and Culture. The 2nd conference of the Septuaginta Hungarica Research Project
Friday, 2019, December 6 - 09:30 to Saturday, 2019, December 7 - 16:30
Organizer of the conference: György Papp, lecturer of the Department of Biblical Studies, in cooperation with prof. dr. Martin Meiser (Saarbrücken) and dr. Oláh Zoltán, associate professor of the Department of Biblical Studies of the Romano-Catholic Theological Seminary in Alba Iulia.
Time of the conference: 6-7th December 2019.
Languages of lectures: English, German, Hungarian
The Hungarian-Transylvanian Workshop of Septuagint Studies is pleased to announce the 2nd Conference of the “Septuaginta Hungarica” project, entitled “Septuagint: Language, Text and Culture”, to be held at the Protestant Theological Institute in Cluj-Napoca on 5-7. December 2019.
The conferences aim to form of a group of scholars preparing the Hungarian translation of the Septuagint and publish conference materials covering various theological, philological and historical areas of the Hungarian and international Septuagint-research.
Plenary speakers: Martin Meiser, Siegfried Kreuzer, Erik Eynikel, Benyik György, Szécsi József, Ibolya Balla, Sándor Enghy.