This study argues that the phrase פָּרָשָׁיו וּפָרָשָׁיו should be emended to פָּרָשָׁיו וּפָרְשׂוּ, "their horses (or: horsemen) swarm out (or: spread out)". This reading is indirectly supported by some of the ancient witnesses (LXX and 1QpHab) and is better suited to its context than the Massoretic version.
textual criticism
Scopul acestui curs este de a ilustra procesul de interpretare al Vechiului Testament prin exemple concrete. Se va acorda o atenție deosebită problemelor care contribuie la întregul proces de interpretare. Cursul va ajuta studentul să ia o atitudine critică față de un text și de interpretările acestuia. Studentul va avea ocazia de a cunoaște într-un mod aprofundat o pericopă biblică concretă (Isaia 7:1-9:6).
The aim of this course is to illustrate the process of interpretation of the Old Testament by concrete examples. The course will help the student to take a critical stance towards texts and their interpretations. The course will further allow a thorough look at a concrete biblical text (Isaiah 7:1-9:6).
Analiza textelor biblice se realizează prin sinteza sistematică a informațiilor textuale, gramaticale, literare, istorice și teologice. Scopul cursului de methodologie a exegezei Vechiului Testament este însușirea informațiilor și metodelor de analiză a diferitelor tipuri de texte ebraice din Vechiul Testament.
Biblical texts are analysed by synthetising linguistic, literary, compositional, historical and theological information. The aim of this course is to introduce the student into the exegetical methods by means of which this synthesis can be achieved.
Old Testament Textual Criticism provides the basic knowledge for students to get the most from Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS). Ellis R. Brotzman explains the significance of scripts and writings of the ancient Near East, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Hebrew manuscripts for students of Hebrew exegesis.
First published in 1992, Emanuel Tov's Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible has rapidly established itself as the authoritative reference work for all those engaged in the study of the text of the Hebrew Bible. This thoroughly revised second edition will be welcomed by students and scholars alike. A wide range of readers will find this book accessible and indispensable.
Az Ószövetségi exegézis I kurzus célja az, hogy konkrét példák által bemutassa az ószövetségi szövegelemzés folyamatát, rávilágítson a bibliai szövegek értelmezésének problémáira, és segítsen abban, hogy a hallgató megtanuljon kritikusan viszonyulni egy konkrét szöveghez és annak értelmezéseihez. A kurzus ugyanakkor lehetővé teszi egy konkrét bibliai perikópa mélyebb megértését is (Ézsaiás 6:1-9:6).
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