I've read a good book. Discussions about current theology. Focus: Spiritual Counseling (6)
Tuesday, 2021, December 14 - 19:00

The man is not a machine, because if he were, in an emergency situation we would have to know which button to press or which screw to tighten to get our machine running again - maintains minister and practical theologian Rolf Theolbold, author of the book, which presents in simple language the basics and possibilities of short-term pastoral counselling. How "short" is this short-term counselling? How can we help others who long for a solution to their spiritual problems and dilemmas from the background of pastoral practice and our own faith life?
Rolf Theobold: Kurzzeit-Seelsorge. Ein Praxisbuch (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2015) will be presented by Eszter Nagy, student of pastoral theology.
This book is written for those aiming to help others with pastoral counseling, but often have little time to do so. From the rich repertoire of modern short-term therapeutic methods, practical suggestions are offered on how useful impulses can also be given in pastoral care in a short time. The author encourages the reader to gain experience with the short-time pastoral care methods presented in his own practice and to discover the wealth of possibilities that can open up, despite the limited time that they have. Practical reflections and exercises are supposed to help this process.
Date and time: 14 December 2021 -- Tuesday, 19.00. Location: Protestant Theological Institute - Room 205.
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More information on the series: Since 2016, with the support of the Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) and some other organisations, the book depository of the library of the Theological Institute has been continuously expanding with excellent reference books, presenting main trends, issues and problems of contemporary theology. We would like to bring these books to life, to bring them close to the public by talking about them. Informally, over a cup of tea. These events are open to anyone interested.
During the academic year 2021-2022, this series of events will be supported by the Hungarian National Talent Programme. A PDF version of the event poster can be downloaded from the right-hand sidebar.