Curriculum Vitae of Koppándi Botond Péter

Personal data

Year of birth: 1974
Place of birth: Cluj-Napoca, Romania


office: 1st floor / room 111
tel(m): (+4)0744209759

Studies and training

1988/09 to 1992/08 High School Brassai Sámuel Elméleti Líceum - Kolozsvár
1992/10 to 1997/07 theological training
1996/08 theological training Meadville Lombard Theological School Chicago
2000/08 to 2001/07 Theological education Starr King School for the Ministry - Berkeley CA
2010/10 to 2016/07 doctoral studies Debrecen Reformed Theological University


1992/07 baccalaurate
1997/07 ministerial training Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár
2016/11 PhD in Theology Debrecen Reformed Theological University

Jobs / Educational activity

1997/10 to 2009/10 minister Unitarian Church of Torockószentgyörgy
2007/11 teacher Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár

Study and research grants

2000/08 to 2001/08 scholarship Starr King School for the Ministry - Berkeley CA
2012/02 to 2012/03 scholarship Harris Manchester College - Oxford (United Kingdom)
2012/04 scholarship Unitarian College Manchester (United Kingdom)

Professional prestige

2017/07 Member of the Practical Theology Section Collegium Doctorum (Hungarian Reformed Church)
2017/10 External member of the Hungarian Academy of Science Hungarian Academy of Science