Epidemic, Disease, Suffering - Training for Reformed Ministers (2)
Monday, 2022, November 14 - 13:00 to Thursday, 2022, November 17 - 14:00

Since spring 2019, the social dialogue and the world situation in general has been dominated by the coronavirus pandemic. The disease and the suffering it brings in its wake is affecting directly or indirectly countries around the world, large and small communities, as well as ultimately individual lives. This situation not only challenges the Church in terms of pressing practical issues, but also challenges her theological reflection. The Protestant Theological Institute aims to help ministers serving in congregations to reflect critically and theologically on the issues raised.
Date of the training: 14-17 November 2022.
Place: Cluj-Napoca, Bethlen Kata Diaconal Centre
On-line registration: before 5 November 2022.
Training fees
The participation fee for the event can be paid/transferred as shown in the Reformed church's Training Programme Booklet.