gyakornok képzés

2023. július 9-10. között került sor a Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézet oktatói és az Erdélyi- és Királyhágómelléki Református Egyházkerületek közös találkozására, 2016 óta immár negyedik alkalommal. A rendszeresen megrendezett találkozó célja, hogy a Teológiai Intézetet működtető református egyházi vezetőkkel értékeljük az intézményben folyó munkát, illetve közös tervek szülessenek a KPTI és a fenntartó egyházak jövőbeli együttműködéséről.

În perioada 9-10 iulie 2023, profesorii Institutului Teologic Protestant din Cluj-Napoca (ITP) și reprezentanții Eparhiile Bisericilor Reformate din Ardeal și de pe lângă Piatra Craiului s-au întâlnit pentru a patra oară.

On July 9-10, 2023, the teachers of the Protestant Theological Institute and the Reformed Church Districts of Transylvania and Királyhágómellék had their joint meeting for the fourth time.

On 21 September, the first meeting of the new academic year was held with the mentors of the MA internship programme to be launched this year. Unlike in previous years, this event was held online, with the virtal presence of mentors and teachers involved in the programme.

The purpose of the meetings held at the beginning of each academic year is to provide a common forum for participants to evaluate the results of the past year's internship activities, share their experiences and prepare the new academic year.

Acest interval poate fi folosit pentru a recupera activitățile de stagiu care nu s-au efectuat în timpul perioadei normale de stagiu.

This interval can be used to catch up with internship activities that were missed during the regular internship period.

Ez az időpont az időközben elmaradt gyülekezeti gyakorlatok pótlására szolgál.

Acest interval poate fi folosit pentru a recupera activitățile de stagiu care nu s-au efectuat în timpul perioadei normale de stagiu.

This interval can be used to catch up with internship activities that were missed during the regular internship period.

Ez az időpont az időközben elmaradt gyülekezeti gyakorlatok pótlására szolgál.


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