News and announcements

2016 March 02 ∙ 13:52 ∙ 8 years ago

On February the 29th, 2016, Dr. Dezső Kállay was elected as the new rector of the Protestant Theological Institute for the period 2016-2020.

2016 February 29 ∙ 23:19 ∙ 8 years ago

During its meeting on 25.02.2016 the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education finalised its report, as a result of which the Institute obtained the rating "confidence".

2016 January 28 ∙ 12:27 ∙ 8 years ago

The systhematic theological dissertation written on the "dialogue" about the free will between Calvin and Chrysostom was defended on 26. January 2016 at the Reformed Theological University of Debrecen.

2015 November 28 ∙ 13:56 ∙ 8 years ago

The agreement aims to strengthen the existing relations between the two institutions in the fields of education and research.

2015 November 26 ∙ 12:51 ∙ 8 years ago

On the 2015 year annual meeting of the Song Alliance the professional activity of Timea Benkő was praised by his former teacher and leader of choir of the Theological Institute, László Attila Kovács.

2015 November 24 ∙ 11:57 ∙ 8 years ago

The emeritus of the Theological Institute has received his award for his professional activity during the annual reunion of the Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Churches.

2015 October 15 ∙ 22:37 ∙ 8 years ago

Theology should not be isolated but must be connected to the blodstream of the scientific world. Theological faculty must have its place where the university of Transylvania is established.

2015 October 01 ∙ 12:09 ∙ 9 years ago

The choir participated in an intensive summer camp in the Andor Urbán Conference Center of Parajd (Praid). The concert program took form amidst intensive training and pleasant mood.

2015 September 18 ∙ 17:27 ∙ 9 years ago

As a result of the application examinations in July and September, 24 new first year students will be enrolled for the academic year 2015-2016.

2015 September 10 ∙ 19:18 ∙ 9 years ago

The final data for the first year of the Erasmus+ mobility testify for a successful start of the program.
