Thirteen students have successfully finished their MA studies

During the closing ceremony of the 2016-2017 academic year, thirteen reformed students have made a solemn vow to remain faithful to their calling. They will begin to work as junior clerks from September within the Reformed churches.

The academic year was closed with a church ceremony held on Sunday, June 25, 2017, within the newly renovated Main Aula of the Protestant Theological Institute. The church service was led by Bishop Béla Kató, with a sermon on Luke 13:31-35.

11 students from the Reformed Church District of Transylvania: Antal Enikő, Bacsó István, Barti Ferencz Róbert, Bíró Alpár, Csalóka Ernő, Dániel Tamás, Kovács Zoltán, Nagy Hunor Ferenc, Nagy Norbert Levente, Rád András László.

3 students from the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék: Ádám Zsolt, Józsa Bertalan, Molnár Viktor Lajos.

The oath-taking ceremony was led by János Gyenge, member of the directorate of the Transylvanian Reformed Church. Finally, a farewell speech was uttered by Ernő Csalóka, graduating student.