Psalmul 90 este o piesă unică în Cartea Psalmilor, care contrastează diferența calitativă dintre Dumnezeu și om, precum și fragilitatea vieții umane cu eternitatea lui Dumnezeu. Semnificația sa este remarcabilă nu doar din punct de vedere teologic, ci și literar și istoric.
Masoretic text
A 90. zsoltár a Zsoltárok könyvének egyedülálló darabja, amely Isten és ember minőségi különbözőségét, valamint az emberi élet törékenységét és Isten örökkévalóságát állítja szembe egymással. Jelentősége nem csupán teológiai, hanem irodalmi és történeti szempontból is kiemelkedő.
Psalm 90 is a unique piece within the Book of Psalms, juxtaposing the frailty of human life with the eternity of God. Its significance extends beyond theology, encompassing literary and historical dimensions as well. The various linguistic versions of the psalm—Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Greek, Latin, and Coptic—provide a rich foundation for exploring how this text has evolved and been shaped over the past 2,500 years. The aim of this research is to map the textual history of Psalm 90 and to analyse the differences and similarities among its translations and manuscript traditions.