Theological English language II

The English language classes in the second semester enable the students to communicate independently in English, using the special Theological English. To achieve this, the students learn a special vocabulary,learn to read efficiently, to understand texts and to process them, to summarize and to form independently a written and/or an oral opinion in Theological issues.


Specific competences

Special competences Students enlarge their special vocabulary, work with these expressions on their own, they articulate orally and in writing. They are capable to confine/delimit categories and to systematize what they have learned. To deepen their knowledge, they read texts, analyze and summarize them orally and in writing as well. They learn to articulate their Reformed Confession in English; they take part in panel discussion, express their point of view and are able to appreciate the other’s point of view as well. They are able to motivate their conceit.

General competences

General competences Students using the English Theological vocabulary are able to argue and to take stand in Theological issues; they are able to articulate their opinion precisely and to encounter if it is necessary.

Total estimated time

Classroom study Course Seminar Practice
2 hours/week 0 2 0
28 hours/semester 0 28 0
Individual study Hours/sem
Total estimated time 78
Studying course notes and bibliography 28
Further documentation in libraries, electronic platforms, or on the field 14
Preparing essays, papers, or documentation 6
Personal tutoring 2
Total individual study 50


The exam consists of oral and written tests on pre-announced dates, followed by an appraising test on general Theological English knowledge. Those who do not perform the test exam on B1 level, cannot complete the academic year.

