Ézsaiás könyvének eredete a Kr.e. 8. századba nyúlik vissza, és ilyenképpen az Ószövetség legrégebbi szövegei közé tartozik. A Kr.e. 8. század azonban korántsem a teljes mű keletkezésének ideje. A könyv hosszú fejlődés eredményeként jött létre, és magán hordozza közel öt évszázad szerzőinek kezenyomát. A projekt célja e hosszú szerkesztéstörténet feltérképezése a kezdetektől egészen addig a pontig, ahol Ézsaiás könyve az ószövetségi kánon részévé vált.
This article argues that Isa 29,15-24 is composed of five coherent segments. The early Isaianic word, 29,15+21, was reinterpreted in a new way by an exilic author in 29,16-17+20. The presupposed blindness of Yhwh serving as a motivation for an ungodly life by those addressed in 29,15, is reconsidered as the ideology of desperate people who deem the blindness of Yhwh explains the present desolate condition of Jerusalem. The former injustice in Isaiah's society (29,21) is reinterpreted as the injustice of the foreign tyrant against the people of Yhwh. Isa 29,18+24 (the blindness of the people) and 29,19+23d-e (the oppressed Yhwh-fearing people) elaborate on the same theme in a larger context and presuppose a similar situation and author as implied by 29,16-17+21, probably to be identified with Deutero-Isaiah. A final expansion of the text reassessing the seeing of Jacob and the reverence of Yhwh by his descendants can be discerned in 29,22-23c, which probably comes from the post-exilic period.
In contrast to most opinions concerning Isa 33 this pericope is far too complex to be explained as one coherent literary unit. Isa 33 has a short anti-Assyrian woe-cry at its bases (vv. 1+4), which once closed the woe-cries of Isa 28–32. Vv. 1+4 were supplemented first (around 598 or 587) by a communal lament, vv. 2-3+5+7-12, bringing the idea of the punishment of Judah and the temporised destruction of the enemy in vv. 1+4 further. Second, (shortly after 539) vv. 1-5.7-12 were expanded by a salvation prophecy, vv. 6+13-24, concerning the returnees, the restoration of Jerusalem and the monarchy.
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