Istoria bisericii
An introduction to the literature and themes of the patristic period, from the first to the seventh centuries. Emphasis will be on reading and discussing primary sources in translation. The primary themes to be pursued are the formation of Christian doctrine of God, Christ, salvation, and eschatology; the church, specifically, its character, worship, structure, and relation to the world; spiritual life, especially ascetical and monastic differentiations; the interpretation of the bible; finally, the relation of faith and culture.
An introduction to the literature and themes of the patristic period, from the first to the seventh centuries. Emphasis will be on reading and discussing primary sources in translation. The primary themes to be pursued are the formation of Christian doctrine of God, Christ, salvation, and eschatology; the church, specifically, its character, worship, structure, and relation to the world; spiritual life, especially ascetical and monastic differentiations; the interpretation of the bible; finally, the relation of faith and culture.