A keresztyén teológia szempontjából a prófétai irodalom kulcsfontosságú szerepet tölt be. Az újszövetségi szerzők erre az iratgyűjteményre hivatkoznak, amikor Krisztus messiási mivoltát akarják legitimálni. Bullinger pedig a prófétai küldetésben látja a reformátori egyház igei szolgálatának az analógiáját. Ennek ismeretében nem véletlen, hogy az ószövetségi prófétizmus a bibliatudományokban is rendkívül sok figyelmet kapott. De ez a kutatástörténet mind a próféta személyét, mind a prófétai szövegeket illetően alapvető változásokról tanúskodik.
prófétai könyvek
The main objective of this course is to provide a detailed description of the content of the text of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, of the history of the literature and of the isagogics of ancient Israel. This objective will be achieved through the employment of the various books of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible as primary sources and extra-biblical texts as secondary sources.
Cursul introduce studentul în istoria Vechiului Orient apropiat și al Israelului antic între secolele 15-5 î. Chr. În privința textelor biblice, cursurile acestui semestru se concentrează asupra cărților profetice ale Vechiului Testament (Isaia-Meleahi), fiind abordat și tematica apocalipsei (Daniel).
Scopul acestui curs este de a ilustra procesul de interpretare a textelor profetice din Vechiului Testament. Textele profetice au un limbaj specific și o structură literară aparte în contextul biblic. Ca studiu de caz, acest curs se concentrează asupra cărții profetului Habacuc.
The objective of this course is to present exegetical problems pertinent to the prophetical literature of the Old Testament. With its peculiar vocabulary and in most cases specific linguistic structures, prophecy forms a distinctive type of literature in the Bible. As a case study, this course is concerned with the Book of Habakkuk, which illustrates well how this process of rereading opens up new questions for the interpretation.
It is well-known that the book of Isaiah contains clarifying interpolations. Shorter phrases or even entire verses with problematic readings are of-ten identified by exegetes as loose “glosses”. However, this study suggests that editorial interpolations are not merely unrelated annotations from various periods. Typical explicatory phrases from Isa 8:2, 8:6-7a and 8:23b analysed in this study tend to expose recognisable patterns, a coherent scope and a common hermeneutical principle.
In Jeremiah 28, there is a dispute between the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah over the (il)legitimacy of prophecies of salvation concerning Judah and prophecies of judgement regarding Babylon. On the eve of Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians, the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaims judgement on Judah at the hands of Babylon, appears to be the true, genuine, canonical voice of God.
In Jeremiah 28, there is a dispute between the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah over the (il)legitimacy of prophecies of salvation concerning Judah and prophecies of judgement regarding Babylon. On the eve of Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians, the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaims judgement on Judah at the hands of Babylon, appears to be the true, genuine, canonical voice of God.