Kovács Sándor
This chapter examines the formation and development of Unitarian liturgy and worship practices from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Despite the absence of a sixteenth- and seventeenth-century order of service, a hypothetical reconstruction of the Unitarian order of service is attempted using the earliest Unitarian hymnal. Using reliable written sources such as published prayer and hymn books and early ecclesiastical regulations, supplemented by synodical resolutions, the challenges of reconstructing a unified Unitarian liturgy are presented.
This chapter examines the formation and development of Unitarian liturgy and worship practices from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Despite the absence of a sixteenth- and seventeenth-century order of service, a hypothetical reconstruction of the Unitarian order of service is attempted using the earliest Unitarian hymnal. Using reliable written sources such as published prayer and hymn books and early ecclesiastical regulations, supplemented by synodical resolutions, the challenges of reconstructing a unified Unitarian liturgy are presented.
This chapter examines the formation and development of Unitarian liturgy and worship practices from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Despite the absence of a sixteenth- and seventeenth-century order of service, a hypothetical reconstruction of the Unitarian order of service is attempted using the earliest Unitarian hymnal. Using reliable written sources such as published prayer and hymn books and early ecclesiastical regulations, supplemented by synodical resolutions, the challenges of reconstructing a unified Unitarian liturgy are presented.
This chapter examines the formation and development of Unitarian liturgy and worship practices from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Despite the absence of a sixteenth- and seventeenth-century order of service, a hypothetical reconstruction of the Unitarian order of service is attempted using the earliest Unitarian hymnal. Using reliable written sources such as published prayer and hymn books and early ecclesiastical regulations, supplemented by synodical resolutions, the challenges of reconstructing a unified Unitarian liturgy are presented.
Scopul proiectului este de a oferi cititorilor un nou ghid privind istoria predicii unitariene, completând astfel lipsa surselor: istoria Bisericii Unitariene din secolul XVIII, publicațiile din reviste apărute la sfârșitul secolului XIX și istoria predicii unitariene de Gellérd, care abordează doar sumativ secolele XVI și XVII. Proiectul nu își propune doar să adune date seci, ci să dea viață unui corpus care, prin frumusețea limbajului, dinamismul narativului și sursele sale speciale, merită toată atenția.
În înțelegerea istoriei Bisericii Unitariene, un rol esențial îl joacă cercetarea cultului, mai ales în legătură cu lucrările lui Dávid Ferenc și ale altor mari personalități bisericești. Studiul teologiei, al predicii și al literaturii religioase, precum și rolul tipografiilor unitariene sunt, de asemenea, importante.
A tárgy célja a radikális reformáció erdélyi és magyarországi fogadtatásának és elterjedésének, az unitárius egyház kialakulásának és korai történetének bemutatása. Az órákon a hallgatók megismerkednek a legfontosabb egyháztörténeti forrásokkal, a 16. században zajlott hitviták szövegével, a reformáció prédikátorainak harcmodorával. A közép-kelet-európai antitrinitarizmus legmarkánsabb, az európai eszme- és filozófiatörténetben is jelentős szerepet játszó személyiségeinek az erdélyi unitarizmusra gyakorolt hatását mutatjuk be.