Karasszon István, aki kiválóan ismeri az ószövetségi bibliai teológia irodalmát, és aki az igazi teológusra jellemző kritikával követi azt is, hogy a korszellem és a teológiai kutatás eredményei (a vallástörténeti kutatások, majd pedig ezeknek formakritikai kiértékelése, illetve az újabb exegetikai eredmények) miképpen segítették elő, vagy éppen gátolták az ószövetségi teológiairodalom gyarapodását, ezt állapította meg egyik előadásában: a 20.
Vechiul Testament
The main objective of this course is to provide a detailed description of the content of the text of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, of the history of the literature and of the isagogics of ancient Israel. This objective will be achieved through the employment of the various books of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible as primary sources and extra-biblical texts as secondary sources.
Analiza textelor biblice se realizează prin sinteza sistematică a informațiilor textuale, gramaticale, literare, istorice și teologice. Scopul cursului de methodologie a exegezei Vechiului Testament este însușirea informațiilor și metodelor de analiză a diferitelor tipuri de texte ebraice din Vechiul Testament.
Biblical texts are analysed by synthetising linguistic, literary, compositional, historical and theological information. The aim of this course is to introduce the student into the exegetical methods by means of which this synthesis can be achieved.
New biblical methods seem to appear each year, and it can be difficult for students to find a comprehensive survey to the wide range of interpretive options. Reading the Old Testament enables introductory students to understand the established methods of biblical study along with the emerging trends of recent years. This book is firmly grounded in the best available scholarship; at the same time, it speaks to students with no previous knowledge of biblical study.
A bibliai exegézis alapjainak tárgyalásától indulva a szerző részletesen kifejti, hogy az Ó - és Újszövetség szövegének tanulmányozásától hogyan jutunk el a rendszeres teológia elemeiig és végül Szentírásban gyökerező igehirdetések elkészítéséig.
Many linguistic tools and methods are applied to biblical texts in order to gain meaning from them. Such applications do not always take into account the perspective of the investigators, the presuppositions of the method used and the nature of the material to which it is applied. These are all factors that influence the meaning obtained from the text. Sue Groom takes us through the pitfalls and limitations of the various methods available and considers textual transmission, diachronic and dialectical variation and the impact these have on the relationship between reader, author and text.
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