Istoria compozițională a cărții lui Isaia
Cartea profetului Isaia are originea sa în secolul al 8-lea î. Chr., fiind una dintre cele mai vechi compoziții literare ale Vechiului Testament. Este cunoscut însă faptul, că dincolo de autografe (adică părțile care pot fi atribuite lui Isaia însuși) această carte profetică întrunește o tradiție literară mult mai amplă, fiind compusă peste un timp îndelungat de câteva secole. Scopul acestui proiect este examinarea acestei istorii compoziționale de la începuturi până în momentul în care ea a devenit parte a canonului Vechiului Testament.
Rezultatele proiectului (Cărți)
Balogh Csaba: The Stele of YHWH in Egypt: The Prophecies of Isaiah 18-20 concerning Egypt and Kush. (2011) 393 old.
Balogh Csaba: The Stele of YHWH in Egypt. The Prophecies of Isaiah 18-20 concerning Egypt and Kush. (2009) 481 old.
Rezultatele proiectului (Studii și articole)
Balogh Csaba: „Aki hisz benne, nem szégyenül meg…” Ézsaiás 28,16 újraértelmezései a Róma 9,33 és az 1Péter 2,6 szövegeiben. In: Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis 15 (2024), 89-125
Balogh Csaba: Shadows on the Sundial of Ahaz and New Light on the Troubled History of Isaiah 38:8 and 2 Kings 20:11. In: Vetus Testamentum 73 (2023), 327-359
Balogh Csaba: "Tisztátalan ajkú nép között lakom." (Ézs 6,5) Ézsaiás teológiájának kevésbé ismert vonatkozásai. In: Praeceptor historiae ecclesiasticae. Tanulmányok Buzogány Dezső 65. születésnapjára (2022), 50-76
Balogh Csaba: Review of Charlesworth, James H. (ed.), The Unperceived Continuity of Isaiah. Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts and Related Studies 28. London: T&T Clark, 2019. In: Review of Biblical Literature (2020), 1-6
Balogh Csaba: The Problem with Isaiah's So-Called ‘Refrain Poem’: A New Look at the Compositional History of Isaiah 9.7–20. In: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42 (2018), 363-390
Balogh Csaba: Review of Alexander Prokhorov, The Isaianic Denkschrift and a Socio-Cultural Crisis in Yehud: A Rereading of Isaiah 6:1–9:6[7]. In: Review of Biblical Literature (2017), 1-7
Balogh Csaba: Megfordított sorsok és szövegek. Ézsaiás könyvének szerkesztés- és teológiatörténete, különös tekintettel Ézsaiás 10,16–19-re. In: Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis 7 (2016), 7-27
Balogh Csaba: Inverted Fates and Inverted Texts. Rationales of Reinterpretation in the Compositional History of the Isaianic Prophecies, with Special Emphasis on Isaiah 10,16–19 and Its Context. In: Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 128 (2016), 64-82
Balogh Csaba: Historicising Interpolations in the Isaiah-Memoir. In: Vetus Testamentum 64 (2014), 519-538
Balogh Csaba: Isaiah’s Prophetic Instruction and the Disciples in Isaiah 8:16. In: Vetus Testamentum 63 (2013), 1-18
Balogh Csaba: "Áldott népem, Egyiptom…" Ézsaiás 19,16-25 és az ószövetségi univerzalizmus problémái. In: Orpheus Noster 4 (2012), 26-50
Balogh Csaba: Tanítványság az Ószövetségben, különös tekintettel Ézsaiás 8,16-ra. In: Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis 2 (2011), 11-36
Balogh Csaba: Ézsaiás 8,23−9,6 – Az alagút vége. In: Igazság és élet 4 (2011), 645-656
Balogh Csaba: שׂיד or שׂדי? A Note on Isaiah 33,12. In: Biblische Notizen 142 (2009), 47-52
Balogh Csaba: De stèle van Jhwh in Egypte. De profetieën in Jesaja 18-20 over Egypte en Koesj. In: Pro Ministerio 38 (2009), 5-9
Balogh Csaba: Blind People, Blind God: The Composition of Isaiah 29,15–24. In: Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 121 (2009), 48-69
Balogh Csaba: 'He Filled Zion with Justice and Righteousness': The Composition of Isaiah 33. In: Biblica 89 (2008), 477-504