Dogmatics is the branch of theology which tries give an analytical reflection on Christian doctrine. The goal of this course is to present the teaching of the Church concerning these topics in their historical context in order to develop the ability to formulate the christian doctrine as relevant as possible for the present age.
The courses of the first semester are going about the self-definition of dogmatics, the doctrine concerning revelation, Holy Scipture, faith, God and His attributes, and the first part of anthropology.
Teológia - Általános
Many of the doctrines central to Christianity have important philosophical implications or presuppositions. In the history of Christian theology, philosophy has sometimes been seen as a natural complement to theological reflection, whereas at other times practitioners of the two disciplines have regarded each other as mortal enemies.
This course is intended to provide a how-to approach both to graduate and postgraduate theological research and writing in general. Good formal writing, in our view, need not be stiff, labored, or boring to read. It can be creative, direct,
and vigorous — even to the point of possessing some literary merit. Further it must pass the tests of simplicity, accuracy, economy, and clarity.
Metodologia cercetării este o disciplină ajutătoare din mai multe puncte de vedere. În primul rând are menirea să abiliteze studentul în a putea cerceta, organiza, analiza şi sintetiza materialul de studiu în scopul producerii lucrărilor ştiinţifice, inclusiv lucrări de seminar, lucrări de licenţă, articole de specialitate, precum şi teze de masterat sau doctorat.