
This article argues that Isaiah's so-called ‘refrain poem’ (Kehrvergedicht) in Isa. 9.7–20 is a composite text, going back to two early prophecies with different concerns. Isaiah 9.7–17* focused originally on the arrogant refusal of the divine word, while Isa. 9.18–20* reflected on the chaotic social circumstances in Samaria in the eighth century. The refrains in vv. 9,11cd, 16ef and 20cd were added to these two already connected prophecies at a later stage. The theological summary in v. 12 is yet another addition, closely affiliated with 5.24–25. Unlike v.

Amikor az Ószövetséget a feltámadás kérdése kapcsán a keresztyén teológia és hermeneutika összefüggésében vizsgáljuk, akkor ezt kétféle szempontból tehetjük. Egyrészt tudatában kell lennünk annak, hogy a keresztyénség és a zsidóság többsége számára magától értetődő volt, hogy az Ószövetség beszél az ember feltámadásáról, tehát a jelenség mint olyan létezik. Másrészt a keresztyén igehirdetés számára az Ószövetség az a forrás is volt, ahol nemcsak általában a feltámadás, hanem konkrétan a Krisztus feltámadása is meg van írva.

This course examines controversial texts of the Hebrew Bible from the point of view of the contemporary Christian reader. The texts discussed often played - not only in the contemporary discourse, but throughout the history of the Old Testament hermeneutics - an important role in challenging the relevance and normativity of the Old Testament for modern theological thinking. The course reveals the history of the interpretation of these texts and seeks the hermeneutical key through which the texts can retain their legitimacy in the canon of the Christian church and beyond.

Acest curs analizează texte controversate ale Bibliei Ebraice pentru teologia iudeo-creștină din punctul de vedere al cititorului contemporan. Textele menționate au jucat deseori - nu numai în discursul contemporan, dar pe tot parcursul istoriei hermeneuticii Vechiului Testament - un rol important în procesul de a contesta relevanța și normativitatea Vechiului Testament pentru gândirea creștină și modernă.

This course focuses on central topics of the Hebrew Bible which also survive in the New Testament, such as holiness, sin-punishment-forgiveness, blessing, national theology, universalism and particularism.


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