
The investigation of intentional intertextual references carried out in this article is based on the criteria introduced by the Anglicist Manfred Pfister. I arrive at the conclusion that Hab 3 refers to preceding biblical texts: In vv. 3.19 the prophetic prayer alludes to Deut 33 and 2 Sam 22 in order to assume the function of authoritative vicarious prayer, while avoiding martial ideology.

This commentary builds on the work of previous scholarship and addresses contemporary issues. It gives serious attention to questions of textual criticism, philology, history, and Near Eastern backgrounds and is sensitive to the literary conventions characteristic of the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. The book is an earnest attempt to hear the message of the ancient prophets, a message that remains relevant today.

În cadrul cursului de Hermeneutică biblică vom observa istoria hermeneuticii, oferind o atenție specială acelor constatări care încă au o relevanță în ziua de azi în procesul interpretării textului și în procesul de predică. În cadrul acestui curs, în mod independent de o anumită eră sau filozof, vom prezenta nu doar acele reguli și metode care ajută înțelegerea, dar în principal acele considerente principiale care au marcat o eră (teorii filozofice sau literare) și care au contribuit într-o manieră decisivă la extragerea sensului anumitor aspecte.

The Applied Hermeneutics course looks at the history of hermeneutics, considering especially those achievements that still have a relevance today in the process of textual interpretation and in the preaching practice. During this course, independently from a given era or philosopher, we will present not only the rules and methods that aid the textual comprehension but primarily those epoch-marking considerations (philosophical or literary-theoretical) that have contributed in a decisive way to grasping the meaning of different aspects of the text.


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