2024. december 20-án a Protestáns Teológiai Intézet benyújtotta román minőségértékelési ügynökséghez (ARACIS) a Belső értékelési jelentést a mesterképzési program, alkalmazott protestáns pasztorális teológia szakirány ötévente esedékes újraértékelése végett. A jelentés fő tartalma nyilvánosan is elérhető az am.proteo.hu weboldalon.
În data de 20 decembrie 2024, Institutul Teologic Protestant a depus Raportul de evaluare internă în vederea evaluării periodice a programului de studii de masterat profesional, teologie protestantă pastorală aplicată. Conținutul principal al raportului se poate consulta în mod public la am.proteo.hu.
În cadrul ședinței din 28 decembrie 2021, ARACIS a acordat Institutului Teologic Protestant din Cluj-Napoca calificativul "grad de încredere ridicat".
At its meeting on 28 December 2021, the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Romania (ARACIS) awarded the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca an "outstanding" rating.
A 2021. december 28-i ülésén a Romániai Felsőoktatás Minőségét Biztosító Ügynökség (ARACIS) "kiemelkedő" (grad de încredere ridicat) minősítéssel értékelte a Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézetet.
The institutional evaluation of the PTI by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education will take place in the period 22-26 November. Members of the commission will meet with ITP representatives, teaching staff, administrative staff, church representatives, students, alumni on-line, and will visit the Institute in person on Friday, November 26.
Evaluarea instituțională a ITP de către Agenția Română de Asigurare a Calității în Învățământul Superior va avea în perioada 22-26. noiembrie. Membrii comisiei se vor întâlni cu reprezentanții ITP, cadre didactice, administrative, reprezentanții bisericilor, studenți, alumni și pe platforme on-line, și vor vizita Institutul vineri, 26 noiembrie.
November 22-26. között a Romániai Felsőoktatási Minőségbiztosítási Ügynökség akkreditációs bizottsága értékelni fogja a KPTI elmúlt ötéves időszakát. A bizottság tagjai on-line találkoznak az ITP képviselőivel, a tanári karral, az adminisztratív személyzettel, az egyházak képviselőivel, a hallgatókkal, az alumnusokkal. November 26-án, pénteken személyesen is ellátogatnak az intézetbe.
In 2021 the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca will participate again in the external institutional evaluation (due every five years). During this re-evaluation an official commission appointed by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) will carry out a detailed external assessment of the institution and its undergraduate programme (BA).
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